Just get clash royale
Tribal Mania App Reviews
Tribe Royale
This remind me of something oh yeah the game that Im in arena 9 in CLASH ROYALE!!!!!! ?????? oh but look its Trimble minia I have a present ????????????
Clash Royale copied your game you should sue them Love, Amrinder
Trash Royale
Just a copy
Bad game
This game is so baddddfdfdddddddddddd
Total garbage
Are these guys serious, you lose 50 daggers in a match, get matched up with opponents 3 levels higher then your own. You guys cant even make a decent rip off. Dont quit your day job!!!!
Rip off
Clash Royale rip-off..but its alright
Just no
Im honestly surprised that clash Royale have not sued these guys the game is a complete rip off
Clash royale in arap versiyonu ??
This game was very very bad. Game has A LOT of bugs. Example: time didnt finish yet but game was ended WTFF?!??!
Try clash royale
There are some problems
Ok, this is a nice game, good job. But in it there are some problems: theres few money, and the must problematic problem is that the golden chest have 10 cards, but theres a bug. Every time that I open a golden chest, I find only 3/4 cards, no 10 Please, patch this: I love this game Im waiting for a patch
Really needs update especially for the shop really 4,000 coins u should really lower that
1. I came from eclipse and If he is reading this I LOVE YOU 2. This game is a copy of clash royale 3. I have poop stuff in my ears and whenever I dance i start crying
Bought For 1 Reason:
Eclihpse. If You Didnt See His Video On Youtube, You Should. Broken Matchmaking, Broken Cards, And... WATER? To Deploy Troops? The Other CR Ripoffs Atleast Did Something Like Generals And Skin Exporting... You? You Did Nothing AT ALL. You Are Slowly Echoing Clash Royale. A Few Weeks Ago You Just Added Lava Hound, Miner, Sparky, Guards, Furnace, And Fire Spirits, Where As Clash Royale Has 70 Cards. Some Of Them Which You Didnt Add. I Have One Word: Bullsh*t.
It is a ripoff of clash royale!!!!!
This app is good but is so much a ripoff of clash royale its not even funny
I dont care
This game is different but still pretty funny how its the same as clash royal, but I dont really care.
RIP OFF,,,,,,,,,,
Download clash Royale btter it has better card do not waste your money on this it is copy
Crap in a bottle
This game is crap in a bottle
ISIS Royale
-IGN 5/5
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